If your pet is a family member, you're home now!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Common Good Books, St. Paul, Minnesota


Linda welcomes book event attendees.

Linda interviews Al Peters, Can Do Canines

Linda & Allen Anderson, Tanya Welsch,
Linda M. Johnson, Nancy Brooks,
& Julie Yanz sign books.

Al Peters sharing details about Can Do Canines.

Can Do Canine Dog, Sam, in Training

Book Contributor Linda M. Johnson gives her presentation.

Contributing author Tanya (Welsch) Bailey, Natural Connections Learning Center, and Allen


Tanya Bailey gives her presentation.

Contributing Author Julie Yanz
gives her presentation.

Contributing Author Julie Yanz with fans.

Contributing Author Julie Yanz gives her presentation.

Contributing Author Linda M. Johnson (Right)

Contributing Author Tanya Bailey

Allen and Linda Anderson

Contributing Authors Tanya Bailey and Linda M. Johnson sign books

Contributing Authors Nancy Brooks
and Julie Yanz sign books.

Book signing session after the presentation.


Other New World Library Books By Allen & Linda
