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Animals Animals® Network Recent Events


General Mills World Headquarters, Minneapolis, MN
February 22, 2012

Presentation and Workshop
"Allen did a wonderful job speaking at General Mills to a group ofpet enthusiasts! He was engaging, inspiring, and very caring as he took us
through examples of how pets make us better human beings!"
--Laurissa Gauvitte, General
Mills Recruiter -- Operations and Logistics

Presentation and Signing
Barnes and Noble Galleria, Edina, MN
February, 21, 2013
“Allen's readings are fun and very interesting. I give it 4 paws up!”
--Elaine Garley


Barnes and Noble, St. Louis, MO
February 17, 2013

"A remarkable story that will reaffirm your faith in the unique
and mutually healing bond that can sometimes form between humans and
--Gwen Cooper, New York Times bestselling author of Homer's Odyssey


The Bookcase, Wayzata, MN
February 9, 2013


Presentation and Signing
"This touching, almost lyrical book [A Dog Named Leaf] is a verypersonal story bravely told by the author and his wife... This is a lovely story that will uplift
anyone who has ever loved a dog."
--Amy Shojai, About.com Guide, December 27, 2012

Barnes and Noble, HarMar Mall, Roseville
February 2, 2013

Book Signing
Barnes and Noble,
Memphis, TN
January 14, 2013
"A true story of health and healing of both Leaf the dog and Allen
the person. Anyone who loves dogs and believes in the bond that forms between
them and their humans will truly love this book, and realize animals give
"unconditional love and have the ability to heal human hearts." Great
--American Dog Magazine, Winter 2012/2013


Valley Booksellers, Stillwater, MN
December 1, 2012
"Part 'Marley and Me' and part Jon Katz... the story is endearing,
and the many photographs of Leaf running, swimming, and chasing a tennis ball
in south Minneapolis are adorable."
-- Laurie Hertzel, "The Browser" Minneapolis Star Tribune



Meet and Greet Book Signing
Barnes and Noble Deer Park IL (Chicago)
November 27, 2012

"I wasn’t sure I was going
to like this book. I have read so many books about how a dog saved the human
owner from depression/loneliness/alcoholism/ etc. that the theme has almost
become a cliché and the books often lapse into sentimentality. A Dog Named Leaf
is anything but a cliché. It is a beautifully written, carefully edited book
filled with love, humor and spirituality with photos of Leaf scattered
-- Jan Williams, The Poodle
(& dog) Blog, March 3, 2013
Barnes and Noble, Madison, WI
November 26, 2012




Lake Harriet Center, Minneapolis, MN
November 25, 2012

Barnes and Noble
Eden Prairie, MN
November 20, 2012
“The author of a series of animals books has written about the healing
said he experienced with the help of an emotionally scarred adopted dog.”
--Sun-Sailor, November 29, 2012
Common Good Books, St. Paul, MN
Garrison Keillor, Proprietor
November 13, 2012




Bubbly Paws Book Event and Fund Raiser for Helping Paws
November 10, 2012

University of Minnesota Book Event
November 8, 2012


Dogs Day at the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Featuring
A Dog Named Leaf
November 3, 2012
"Allen gives all animal lovers a gem in 'A Dog Named Leaf - The
Hero from Heaven Who Saved My Life.'"
--Wendy Garrett, Conscious Living


Golden Retreiver Fun Fair -- Goldzilla
September 22, 2012


"5.0 out of 5 stars. Transcends the Pet-Animal Story Genre by
Leaps and Bounds. I finished this book in two sittings. It's a page-turner.
It's about every day life in its most usual aspects -- making a living and
partnering with your spouse. But it's also about how the past weaves seamlessly
with the future to make you whole. It's also about life and death -- enduring a
life-threatening illness and having to go way beyond preconceived limits of
patience and stamina.
"However, the heart of this story is where the golden nugget lies.
What you read bypasses the mind completely and rings a bell deep inside you.
You ask yourself: Could this really happen? For some, the events described may
strain credulity. However, author Allen Anderson brings you step-by-step into
the shared world of man and dog in a way that directly addresses the most
spiritual part of ourselves.
"And it transcends the pet/animal -- human connection books that
are plentiful on the market. What you see unfolding is a special inner and
outer weaving of events by both human and animal that most of us aren't aware
"I finished the book and wondered: What do animals really KNOW?
Are they doing these kinds of things all the time? Who ARE they, really? And it
makes you wonder if you can discover these invisible connections in your own
"This isn't another story of a warm-hearted friendship between a
man and his dog -- though it is this too. This is about how a dog -- with great
love --actually entered the inner reality of his friend to help save him -- and
was able to succeed where human explanations and efforts failed. Quite a coup
for a little four-legged creature who was once abandoned, and then found by
this remarkable author."
--Barbara B.

An inspiring healing journey of comrades facing the ultimate battle. This man and this dog are there for each other at exactly the right time for miracles to occur.
A Dog Named Leaf is the true story of a paradigm shift. We "crazy" dog lovers (you know who you are) have waited for someone to reveal what happens in our homes every day. One reviewer wrote, "This is about how a dog with great love actually entered the inner reality of his friend to help save him and was able to succeed where human explanations and efforts failed."
